Pat McKenna: "It Was an Accident That Spun Out of Control and George Disposed of the Body"


Do you remember Pat McKenna? Maybe not. This particular brief interview was never really widely covered by the media, as it didn’t “fit in” with their ongoing witch-hunt style coverage of the case.

Pat was the lead investigator (defense side) in the OJ Simpson trial – and he got a phone call from Casey’s defense team on the day Caylee Anthony’s remains were found, December 11th 2008.

Having not followed the press reports and knowing very little about the case, Pat’s first move was a visit to the Anthony house where he met George and Cindy, and spent time in the bedroom Casey and Caylee shared.

Here’s what he had to say:

“The room was a shrine of pictures to Caylee, hundreds of loving photographs. I was stunned by the neatness and organization of the room and all the photos. It was this lovely room, like a young kid that has a baby she loves. It was the opposite of what was being portrayed in the media…”

But his first impressions of George and Cindy Anthony were not as favorable…

“I walked out of that house and thought to myself, ‘I don’t think this kid committed first degree murder. There is something really disturbing about this family. I was shocked by their lack of emotion. There was no sense of loss or despondency. Their granddaughter’s remains had just been found and they’re sitting around booking television interviews and talking about how much money their foundation is making.”

He also says George and Cindy Anthony were not cooperative with him at first, even though he was there to help their daughter.

He went on to say:

George was bizarre. He would go around and around for hours and he wouldn’t answer a question directly. And he is a former detective, so he knows the drill. There was something off with this guy. After I read the discovery and George’s interviews, I thought, “This guy is way too eager to throw his daughter under the bus.

His theory of what happened to Caylee Anthony mirrors Jose Baez’s court defense of Casey Anthony.

Pat finished off by saying this:

“It was an accident that spun out of control and George disposed of the body, but I can’t say exactly how. If Casey wanted to be free, she would have dropped Caylee in the pool, called 911 and been a grieving mother.”

To read Pat McKenna’s full interview with ABC News, click here.


  1. KatM says:
    September 23, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    You put this together very well! I always knew from the start that things just did not add up. I feel so sorry for them both casey and caylee! Its just a messed up situation and I really hope the truth comes out and they lock his @ss up! I can relate to the whole abuse from a father! You dont want to talk about it…and its just much simpler to keep things quite and keep on like nothing is wrong…i mean its your dad..ya know…and its like eventhough you know things are wrong…you just kinda keep going on day after day….untill you finally make up your mind and not go back around him and just tell the truth about it all….. I dont know…its hard to explan! But i pray Casey finds peace where ever she is in this world..and just know that there are so many that support her and wish her nothing but the best! 🙂

    Jaylyn says:
    September 25, 2011 at 7:03 am

    I have to say I have always thought that George Anthony has had something to do with what happened to Caylee, however I don’t actually think he murdered her. I believe that that Caylee did in fact drown in the pool, however George Anthony knew that he could never allow Caylee’s body to be autopsied because her little body would most definitely show the signs of his sexual abuse. He knew that his daughter would straight away point the finger at him because he had done the same to her. He knew very well that the best thing would be to make Caylee disappear. By the time her remains were found there was not enough left for them to find any signs of sexual abuse, therefore George could breath again and start to point the finger directly at his daughter. Every time I have heard George Anthony deny the sexual abuse allegations I have never been able to believe him and I really do think that sexual abuse really lies at the center of the mystery, of what happened to Caylee Anthony.

    Sam says:
    October 2, 2011 at 12:55 pm

    I’m still reeling over all the others (heart shaped sticker, duct tape, crackling maggots, FBI investigators saying they suspected corruption but not being allowed to let the jury know, George’s gun, multiple cell-phones, sealed evidence, the very mysterious ‘experts’ for the prosecution, the fabricated chloroform searches, Roy Kronk, and the total lack of ability to connect-the-dots).

    As far as the oddities you mention, it makes a whole lot more sense than the other nonsense that gets mentioned. I call my grandma Nanny. She wants that because she says Grandma sounds too old.

    The body was never in the trunk. I think George may have difficulty with language. He often doesn’t say what he means.

    George feels betrayed by Casey so now he will entertain whatever anyone says about her to throw her under the bus. The wet garbage was why the car smelled. Cindy’s car, btw. The car is in her name. Funny how nobody could figure out that the car tested for chloroform because she had cleaned and Febreezed it.

    I believe that is why Casey abandoned the car. It was never hers to take. He changed his testimony once Casey told the truth. His love affair with his daughter was over then. He does not think he abused her. He thinks he loved her.

  2. Debbie says:
    October 2, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    Here is a thought SJ that is in line with your thinking of Casey and possibly Caylee also being molested by George. Jesse Grund had stated he and Casey were engaged and she broke it off because he loved Caylee more than he loved her. Perhaps his affection towards Caylee sent up red flags to Casey as she knew behaviour like that from her own father and associated it with molestation rather than just plain love. She had told him that her brother had molested her but had not mentioned her father doing it. This would also be in line with her all of a sudden being best pals with her mom after her father moved out. George and Cindy stated in the interview with Dr. Phil that he had moved out in early 2006 I believe it was, and Jesse had stated they split up in 2006 when Casey became best friends with her mother. Until that time, after Casey had Caylee, she had spent most of her time that she was not at work with the Grund family.
    I believe she had major trust issues. She had a friend whom she trusted babysitting little Caylee. When that friend found another job, Casey lost her job and became her own nanny. She let on that she was still working at universal studios, which we all know was not the truth, and spent all of her time with Caylee. Why would she do this? I would hazard a guess here and say that it was because her mother expected her to work as she had done all of Casey’s life, but Casey feared for her little girl and what her working could possibly mean. People will do strange things when they feel the need to protect their children.

    Betty says:
    October 9, 2011 at 8:23 pm

    This was so well thought out and well written and presented. I believe and surmised on my own some of what you also believe and have posted here for us all. I was an abused child and it is possible for the abuser to manipulate the abused and for one parent to do so with the other parent never knowing what is going on. Each time when I saw Casey crying while her father testified and I saw her tears and felt her pain. I felt how she was crying for the little girl that used to be her as a child. I cry from my own memories of my childhood and it is not selfish tears. The tears are for the child in us that never got to live that normal, beautiful, happy life of childhood. We who have been abused are the only ones who can understand how we survive in abusive, dysfunctional families. We still love our abuser why we fear the abuse. We still love the abuser while we do not understand the abuse and we cry for the child in us that will never be able to let go of that pain. Casey exhibited that in the courtroom and I believe her claims. I also believe that was more going on with that little girl Caylee than we the public will ever know. Thanks for your well written and surmised article.

  3. thinker says:
    October 14, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    I just finished again watching and listening to the first jailhouse visit by Cindy and George A..
    I believe I now have seen and listened to those 6-7 times, yet they still fascinate me.
    For those who have never watched the first jailhouse visits between Casey and her parents, you must…

    Geo. never allows Casey to “spill the beans”, or finish a sentence, when it appears that the sentence may incriminate any one other than Casey. Instead he talks over her, barely breathes from talking so loudly and quickly, anything to prevent Casey from revealing any truths or asking any questions which may point to her innocence.

    Casey seems totally in the dark and her responses seem honest and without hesitation. She even tells Cindy, I don’t have anything to add, I am totally out of the loop…

    She even says something like: this is the first time in any of this that I have been angry…why am I still here…as if she cannot comprehend nor fully knows what all has happened to her daughter, or maybe she believes Caylee will be returned if only she complies, sticks with the story, and remains in jail…

    These tapes will cause you to ask many questions re. to this tragedy, and just who knew what when, and what Casey had been told…

    When Cindy begins to “cry,” Casey asks her dad, “why is she crying already?” And Casey then laughs for about 5 seconds, not a laugh of hahahaha we are getting over on everybody, but a laugh like, oh my goodness, I am gonna crack up at your bullsh*t crying. And Casey even says (paraphrasing), while trying to keep from cracking up, Boy, I almost lost it there…like she had to keep up the game to save her daughter and any possibility of being released.

    The entire lot of tapes, but particularly the first visit is telling. I do not think Casey had yet realized what was going on, what her parents were doing, had done or were planning to do… She appears angry and frustrated that she agreed to get locked up for a short period of time (per her parents) and that all would be well.

    Also, I earlier asked if anyone remembered Geo’s odd remark early on: “the body in the trunk was not my granddaughter…” What is he saying here? There was a body, it just was not his granddaughter’s? or that Caylee is not his granddaughter? I believe this remark has powerful meaning…

    For those that wish to see the videotape of said remark, visit youtube and search for “where was George Anthony on July 15, 2008?”

    I believe this site contains the first jailhouse visits between Casey and her parents, if not search youtube, using Casey and The Anthonys first jailhouse visits. As posted on youtube, pt. 1 is particularly fascinating!

  4. MiMi of 3 says:
    November 28, 2011 at 2:49 am

    “Also, I earlier asked if anyone remembered Geo’s odd remark early on: “the body in the trunk was not my granddaughter…” What is he saying here? There was a body, it just was not his granddaughter’s? or that Caylee is not his granddaughter? I believe this remark has powerful meaning…”

    I have from the beginning believed that George is/was the biological father of Caylee. I’ve debated this subject for three years now and with all of the opposition to it, not ONE individual has been able to produce the actual DNA Test Results for George. I heard ASShton state (more like mumble) under his breath that paternity tests were done on George & Lee ~ both being negative. Everyone seems to take this as gospel, but i WANT to see the actual test result, with my own two eyes ~ then I just ‘might’ believe it. With all of the absurdities/lies we, the public has been spoon fed, why should we believe ASShton? IMO, I will always believe this little tidbit has been kept from us!

    Anyone beside myself believe it to be just a little strange that a DNA test from the brother and father was even requested?

    becca says:
    July 28, 2012 at 5:42 pm

    i have also wondered why George was not given a Dna test. I have also wondered if George, Cindy, And Casey thought George was the father and that is why they lied to the family, and even lee, about Casey being pregnant. Just a thought but so much about this family is weird.

    thinker says:
    October 18, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    Yes, one could spend one’s entire day searching online documents and video/audio tapes…
    I find so many inconsistencies! Yesterday. while on youtube, I saw a clip of the “Find Caylee” command post. Behind the volunteers, I noted a posted with all the particulars re. to Caylee: her DOB, weight, height, age, etc.

    And also, the date she went missing: June 9th, not June 16th, when Geo.. claims he saw both Caylee and Casey leaving, even describing both outfits with astonishing detail, right down to their backpacks and the color of their outfits…

    JA Kalskett says:
    November 26, 2012 at 6:21 am

    G and C had returned from taking Caylee to the beach, a theme park and water park during the first week of Cindy’s vacation days May 29th thru June 9th. That was the day of the big fight between Cindy and Casey; after which Casey and Caylee spent the next week avoiding going to Hopesprings Dr and G and C. The next weekend was Friday the 13th, Flag Day, and Father’s Day. Caylee was with Casey on Friday the 13th and with G and C on June 15th thru the 16th. Who knew where Caylee was on the 14th? No one outside the A-Family witnessed Caylee after Friday the 13th, but forensic science experts say ‘she was decomposing already’ before mid-June.

  5. MiMi of 3 says:
    November 30, 2011 at 1:22 am

    I base MO on her psychological behavior, signs & symptoms. I also closely observed George’s illusive & defensive manner in which he responded to questions at trial. May I suggest you read up on sexual abuse and see for yourself if it doesn’t all fit together? Have you ever asked yourself ‘what father would be in the DELIVERY room, observing the birth of his grandchild?’ IMO, this in itself is a RED flag of sexual abuse!

    As for SINdy’s MEmorial, you can watch it on YouTube. If you haven’t viewed it yet, suggest you do so.

    Re: your comment of this tragedy being like JonBenet Ramsey’s ~ never to be solved, I pray you’re wrong.

    Re: George & SINdy’s ‘grieving grandparents’ routine is IMO, a bunch of BS! What grandparents of murdered and/or missing children do you know that setup ‘Funds and ‘Foundations’ and use the money to support themselves? Can you give me ONE constructive, charitable thing they’ve done for anyone besides themselves? I don’t think so. Have they used the $30,000 Rescue Boat to help find ONE missing child?

    Has SINdy ever offered up a thank you to Tim Miller of TES or offered to reimburse him for HER request for him to search for a ‘live’ Caylee ~ ummmm, NO!

    George, the Sponge, & SINdy say they are unable to work, therefore they MUST draw salaries from the latest ‘fraudation’! WHY are they unable to work? Might I mention, their many flights to NY, CA & the Bahamas (to swim w/the dolphins), They don’t appear disabled to me! What grieving grandparents do you know that obtain tattoos, take cruises and buy jewelry and diamond stud earrings? What grieving grandfather that is so depressed, supposedly out searching for his beloved granddaughter, has a romantic liason, right in the middle of all of this?

    Instead of George, the Sponge & SINdy remaining silent after their daughter is found NOT GUILTY, why do they decide to go onto the Phil show and accept a $500,000 donation and two new jeeps (listed as property of the foundation BTW)? I only heard more of the same BS as always ~ except the Sponge getting one last dig in on Casey by saying “I blame my daughter for Caylee’s death” ~ me thinks he doest protest too much! Poor guy ~ this is the most work he’s ever done ~ trying to convince the world of his DAUGHTER’S GUILT! What normal father does this?

    WHY does a ‘grieving grandmother’ give the wrong hairbrush to the FBI? There are so many more things to dissuade me from EVER believing that they even loved Caylee. You have to decide for yourself…..meanwhile, I DON’T BUY the ‘grieving grandparent’ routine.

  6. MiMi of 3 says:
    December 5, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    I find this interview of George w/LE downright chilling. Listen carefully to everything this creep says.
    At approx 3:08 he starts to say “i played with…..then makes a sickening sound….and quickly changes what he was about to say.

    GA also states that Cindy watched Caylee 90% of the time….how could she, she was working from 7:30AM til around 6PM ~ Mon thru Fri. He slips up when he says they usually had Caylee with them, that his work schedule was always 3-11PM. IMO, this simply shows that GA was always ‘watching’ Caylee. He tries his darndest to convince LE that he wasn’t able to watch Caylee because of HIS work schedule??? He also states he was off every Friday and Saturday.

    MiMi of 3 says:
    December 7, 2011 at 6:05 am


    Another little tidbit i came across. GA was only working from 102707 thru 020108. (written, I assume by one of the LE officers.) He marked as unemployed at that time. Hmmmmm, wonder why LE didn’t tell us about THAT little tidbit and oh, maybe just investigate as to George being at home with Caylee on a daily basis, until he started his new job on 01JUL08? in GA’s first LE interview he states he was working that period of time – LIE # 3,338! In other words, he was home, more than likely babysitting for Caylee!

    Why again, was this ‘man’ not ever investigated?

    Karen says:
    December 7, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    I think George working during the time in question is a big lie. I don’t know where he was going “from 3 – 11” but it wasn’t work. He filled out an application on June 17, 2008 (the day after the day in question!) at Andrews International and on the app where it aks if presently employed he replied “no”. Plus where was he coming from on July 15th when you can hear Cindy yelling to him that Caylee is missing (on the 911 call)? It was between 9 – 10 pm, and if he worked until 11 pm why was he coming home earlier?

  7. JA Kalskett says:
    November 3, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    you ask…WHY does a ‘grieving grandmother’ give the wrong hairbrush to the FBI?

    Cindy gave THAT brush to FBI b/c she hoped THEY would find proof of the “other woman” that Casey told her ‘Geo was seeing for the previous year and a half’…the one who sometimes watched Caylee; [the #10 w/ black curly hair, arm tattoos, straight teeth and worked for LE]

    *Casey couldn’t locate her after June 14th, or her ‘look-alike’ / twin sister, Crystal Holloway

    Remember? Cindy was shown a pic of Crystal and she commented; Sorry lady, but you’re NOT A #10! Neither Casey or Cindy was shown a pic of Cecelia Benaida-Gonzale(z).
    *1. [Gonzale(z) was dropped after her divorce]
    2. Cecelia was ‘undercover’ for the corrections facility, so Casey never saw her in a line-up.
    3. Crystal (AKA River Cruz) and her sister; Cecelia (AKA Skye ?) and George AKA (Papa Jo) were the authors of the HeinousMurderStory who manipulated the truth from June 14th until Casey was incarcerated. Cindy suspected, but Casey couldn’t prove her story.

    Ironically, Padilla found info on C.Benaida-Gonzale(z) b-4 he was ‘dismissed’ by Cindy, Casey and Geo)

    Sherry says:
    November 28, 2011 at 12:31 am

    With the Penn State scandal, we are seeing once again how the world covers up for molestors. Just like they cover for ‘ole George.

    MiMi of 3 says:
    November 28, 2011 at 1:35 am

    Sherry ~ my thoughts exactly! This Penn State thing with the pervert Sandusky has only just begun to unravel.

    I honestly pray daily for George AND Cindy to be exposed for WHO and WHAT they truly are!

    I agree with many others that there is definitely corruption in Orlando, Florida! I am constantly writing to Linda D-Burdick, asking for further investigation into GA. So far, no response. I attempt to appeal to her ‘motherly’ side ~ we’ll see!

    After watching Cindy testify during trial, there was one statement she made, concerning Caylee being naked in the pool ~ how she loved to feel the jetts on her back and her bottom! I find this disturbing and I’ve been unable to forget it for some reason. (Please, don’t bombard me w/your negative comments on this subject ~ IOMO).

    During Cindy’s MEmorial, listening to George speak about “smelling her sweet sweat” made my skin crawl….

    IMO, there was a LOT more going on in this house (not a home) then we will ever know! Cindy originally began her nursing career as a pediatric nurse! Wonder why she didn’t continue in that field?

    Sherry says:
    November 28, 2011 at 3:03 am

    Yes, Sandusky’s strange behavior and that sickening interview made me realize they are the same brand, different style. I was on the fence, but not now.

  8. MiMi of 3 says:
    December 17, 2011 at 2:53 am


    Yep, In the beginning, I admit, I was becoming brainwashed by the media! Until something clicked and I sat back and just watched and listened to Nancy Grace, Vinnie Politan and JVM. It was at that time I became suspicious of everything they were saying…..then I took to the internet and read everything I could. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, was what they were stating each night. As I said in one of my previous posts, about seven months before trial began, It was as if I was being told to pray for Casey! THIS, was NOT something I wanted to do, but I did! The flood gates were opened for me. I began to pray the jury would not base their findings on ‘false, make-believe evidence’ – and thank God, they did just that! I’ll have to admit, when they reached their verdict, I had to sit down, I said a little prayer, then looked at my son and said “I think this is bad – it’s too soon for a good verdict”! I was one happy camper when I watched the results!!

    If I had been one of the investigators in this so-called case, I would hang my head in shame — hear that Yuri Melich? Oh yes, good ole boy Yuri, you should be fired! I also would like to publically say ‘thank you’ to each one of the jury – wonderful job!

    IMO, Casey Anthony has had the screws put to her (literally) and someone needs to pay for what she has endured and of which she continues to suffer. I hope she sues the state of Florida and wins BIG!
    George & Cindy should be the next in line for a humongous suit – every dime they have ‘made’ from the death of little Caylee — she was their granddaughter, CASEY was and will always be her MOTHER! These dimwits have stolen from both Caylee and Casey. They have NO SHAME!

  9. Momof2 says:
    January 11, 2012 at 7:51 pm

    I think any questions any of us have about Casey’s strange behavior can be answered in a few words : Victim of Abuse. They do strange things – they lie (yes, she had a hard time keeping her facts straight and fabricated so many things….), they will take orders from their perpetrators without question, they are easily manipulated by those in power (in this case, her twisted father and her passive-agressive mother), they live on an emotional rollercoaster, can love deeply but at the same time be distant, will cover up their pain with drugs and alcohol, be very flighty, can basically be a puppet for their abuser. I have been mixed about the verdict. I have been 50/50 all along, but now I am leaning toward 75/25 in favor of Casey.

    albatross234 says:
    April 28, 2012 at 7:23 am

    On the night June 16th, Casey, w/o Caylee, spent the night with Tony (Blockbuster) same for 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th.–none of Caylee’s stuff with her. It was a “hot” weekend, with Tony skipping class to be with Casey.

    George Anthony is lying. Something’s wrong with the dates.

    JA Kalskett says:
    November 1, 2012 at 8:47 pm

    I understood Casey stayed at Tony’s for the first time on Friday the 13th. Saturday the 14th (early-to-mid June) Casey believed Caylee was merely out of her sight for a few hours [6 to 36 hours], tho a video assured her Caylee was in the care of a trusted person on Father’s Day (mid June).

    IMO it is the Father’s Day video that is in conflict with the INDISPUTABLE FACT: Caylee’s body was already decomposing…hours before the video.

    JA Kalskett says:
    November 25, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    Hi albatross234,
    I had read early-on, that Casey (with Caylee) had spent all ‘week after Cindy’s vacation (May 26th thru June 9th) sleeping at Ricardo Morales’ on the couch. Her first sleep-over with Tony was Friday the 13th. But where was she sleeping on the 14th, 15th, and 16th? It did appear that she was avoiding Hopesprings, until after she began to suspect Caylee’s whereabouts MUST NOT have been with her mom and dad…as she was convinced by the Father’s Day video.

    Jerry says:
    May 29, 2012 at 5:07 am

    SJ – I find your version of what really happened to be quite interesting and very plausible. I think most people believe Casey killed Caylee based solely on her unusual behavior (as perceived by the average person) after she ‘disappeared.’ Anyone that has even moderate knowledge of what sexual molestation does to a small child would recognize the almost classic behavior of Casey as that of a victim. Especially since she is still living at home under the control of her father. I have little doubt that George is responsible for Caylee’s death.

  10. Jon says:
    September 26, 2012 at 6:53 pm

    An autopsy was never done since the body was too decomposed. Caylee slept with Casey at night and Casey locked the door but she forgot to lock it one night. Casey tried to protect Caylee the best she could that’s why she created the fake job and the nanny she didn’t want to leave Caylee alone with George.

    AnaMae Johnston says:
    September 29, 2012 at 2:20 am

    That’s right. That’s why she stayed away with Caylee when her mom went to Mt. Dora for 2 days about a week before that Father’s Day weekend. I always thought it strange when Mom got on one of the news media shows and blatantly said Caylee was only missing from Casey on June 14th. We know what happened the day after…So….? I still think the whole fear factor centered around poor old plain just a dad? GA.

    Samadian says:
    September 27, 2012 at 9:48 pm

    If you research this topic, you won’t find it strange at all. There is a wealth of literature about ‘breaking the cycle’. It really is a cycle when abuse occurs in a family.

    She did her best to protect her daughter but she also was in denial that her father was a predator. Blaming her for not ‘protecting her daughter’ is what allows abusers to escape blame.

    JA Kalskett says:
    October 29, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    On June 14th Casey ‘lost sight of Caylee’; there were eye-witnesses to the fact Casey and Caylee were together on Friday, June 13th; before midnight.

    There was no other eye-witness who positively admitted to seeing the little girl face-to-face on June 14th…(15th, 16th or 17th, either, except from within the Anthony family)

    That was because the impression left by the Father’s Day video, on every person who EVER saw it, confirmed Caylee’s whereabouts and condition AFTER she was already decomposing….how’d they do that?
    IMO THAT was the moment that the heinous-murder story replaced Casey’s

    October 29, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    When viewed from a larger vantage point, it becomes clearer that there was a deliberate purpose behind the child’s disappearance.

    IMO Caylee’s ‘body disappeared’ on June 14th not to hide a murder, but to keep Caylee’s death from being known, TO PREVENT the results of an investigation b/c she was likely found dead and decomposing in a place and manner that would NEVER be explained as accidental. [IMO there was no water in her lungs; no accidental drowning]

    I say; Casey ‘lost sight and possession’ of Caylee after midnight on Friday 13th to wee hours on the 14th (early-to-mid June).

    Cindy and George created the Father’s Day video that was recorded 12 to 15 hours AFTER science determined the child was already decomposing.

    This distinction allows the separation of the 2 stories. Now, name the story that unfolded in the media… “A Heinous-Murderer Story”


  11. JA Kalskett says:
    November 25, 2012 at 11:54 pm

    Sorry Carol…I think Tony said he was at the Anthony home on June 12th. The day they went to the mall…later, Casey went to see if Christina Chester would babysit on the night of the big Fusion event ; Friday the 13th. (That is why Christina Chester was so distraught when she talked to Casey from jail on July 16th….she was worried b/c she declined and NO ONE could find Caylee, alive or dead, after that, until her body was placed for re-covery in the woods after full decomposition (that could prove Caylee DID NOT die by accidental drowning)…therefore all evidence would have pointed to foul-play, and one of the A-Family members would have faced the DP charges.

    IMO…Casey was the only one ‘in the family’ that COULD be accused of foul-play b/c SHE DIDNT kill Caylee., and she never knew where Caylee was until Dec 11th… [Remember the early jail tape Casey was aggitated when she told Cindy “i wasn’t supposed to take this”… the blame was what she was cryptically referring to. ]

    JA Kalskett says:
    November 2, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    accidentally in the trunk…on June 14th. I believe that Geo (or someone with access to his Pontiac keys) took the car from Tony’s apartment parking lot, not aware that Caylee was asleep there. Hiding the vehicle until Geo was off work on the 14th, she was found already decomposing in the trunk by George, who then created the whole heinous-murder story before returning the Pontiac to Tony’s apartment parking lot minus Caylee. That was how Casey became the victim, she believed Geo and the video of a visit to MtDora on Father’s Day…she never knew anything to the contrary.


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